“Design is an opportunity to continue telling the story, not just to sum everything up.”
―Tate Linden
A sweet gal named Mary Lynn (from Ohio) recently wrote me asking for some design advice for her 3-season porch. She told me she wanted to change everything, and sent me a few photos of the space. I popped this one into Photoshop…
…and had some fun creating a new vibe for her to *hopefully* be inspired by:
Here’s the interactive version for those on desktop computers. Just move your cursor on and off of the photo to see it “presto change-o”:
She said they were up for painting the brick, so I suggested coating it with a fresh color like Sherwin Williams “Natural Choice”.
Besides the hanging bed and Sugarboo Designs wall art (and a not-really-a-real-thing-but-I-would-totally-buy-one-if-they-existed sisal “hide” on the floor), all the “stuff” in my inspiration photo came from PotteryBarn.com, just because I love them, and they’re products are always the easiest to cut out and paste. Oh, wait. The ceiling fan came from BallardDesigns.com. Keep in mind though that any of it could be swapped out for totally different pieces (style/color-wise) or less expensive/secondhand versions of what’s there.
For instance, Caitlin from Desert Domicile made a table similar to the trunk that I showed as a side table:
Click here to see her DIY steps: Winter Pinterest Challenge- DIY Trunk
There are TONS of DIY suspended sofa projects online, too. In this particular sunroom, if I went with a suspended sofa, I would make sure it isn’t any deeper than a regular sofa is. Kind of like this one, at Serenbe:
I love the idea of taking an actual sofa and turning it into a suspended sofa, too:
(Paul Massey – House and Garden)
This one by Julie Couch is pretty fabulous:
I couldn’t find any photos of them online, but I think it would be awesome to suspend an old sofa like this:
I’m sure that one is very expensive, but I have seen lots of similar ones at estate sales and flea markets that were very affordable. I don’t know how exactly it would be strung up, but I’m sure there’s a way to do it! 😀
The awning stripe drapes in my inspiration photo could be “DIY’ed” too. Check out these that Beckie at Infarrantly Creative made:
Click here to see her step-by-step tutorial: How To Paint Stripes On Curtains
As for the coffee table/ottoman, Jaime at That’s My Letter did a post about re-creating Pottery Barn’s Caden Ottoman:
Hers is actually the stool version of it, but it could easily be modified so that it’s a low, long coffee table/ottoman.
The art, hutch and lamp could all be scooped up at secondhand, or DIY’ed too. As for a less expensive version of the ceiling fan in my inspiration photo, I thought this one, “Latham” by Hampton Bay (available at Home Depot) would be a pretty good alternative:
The blades are a little more “cherry” (I’d paint them a more neutral brown), but it’s priced at $134, and the nickel part could be sprayed with galvanized spray paint for an even more industrial look.
Same goes for the “Metro“, also by Hampton Bay at The Home Depot:
With a couple coats of (silver) hammered spray paint, that baby would look more like the galvanized inspiration fan in a jiff!
Hope those ideas help to get your creative gears turning, Mary Lynn. I can’t wait to see how y’all continue the story!
love it .would love to have one hanging from one of my big trees in back yard .awesome Idea. thanks for sharing
Layla, I have a screened porch I’d like to put a couch or futon on. (Is that a terrible design faux pas to even mention the word futon?!?) The trouble I’ve had doing that is the thought of the elements ruining the fabric, wood, and metal. Any suggestions?? Do outdoor fabrics really hold up well to rain that might blow in the screened porch during a thunderstorm?
I like your idea for thrifty fixes by using second hand items and spray paint for the ceiling fan. Thank you!
When I initially looked at the Presto, I thought you had simply done modifications on their existing furniture! It looks like it could be possible with all of the wood pieces she has out there. I do like the proportions of the longer swing–and who wouldn’t want to have one of those?! I loved the swing on the front porch when I was a child!! I love seeing your prestos and reading your blog! Thinking positive thoughts for your adoption process!!
loving the couch swing. now i just need a porch!
Fun inspiration, great DIY alternatives. I especially like that quote 😉
You did a gorgeous job on this design. I really hope that she is able to do it and you can bring us a picture of the finished work!
I’ve always wondered with those sofa and bed “swings” what keeps them from slamming into the wall. Does anyone know?
Well, this one is actually just a suspended sofa, Nancy. Not a swing. It’s got four ropes/chains…not two like a swing has.
Was everything all right with the results of your testing, Layla? Praying you are doing better. Good job, as always on your design.
Yes, Sherri- thank you for asking! I blogged more about what’s going on at the end of my “I Heart Donna Tucker Art” post here:
I just read the post. I don’t know how I missed it since your post comes to my email, but that one didn’t come! Glad it is nothing serious and is treatable. How beautiful it is that you saw that “blowing bubbles” print. How long will it be until you can bring your precious Sweet P home? My sister is in Haiti right now on a medical mission. She goes there twice a year and has for a number of years. She has such a heart for the people of Haiti, especially the children. She will have pictures on Tumblr when she returns, and I will give you that info when she does! God bless you and your family.
This looks like such a fun room! I love the way the curtains, painted brick and floor play off of each other! Of course my favorite part is the floating couch… hopefully this room will become a reality! I always love to see your designs!
Oh.my.word – I love this look!! It totally freshens up the room and makes it look so inviting. THANK YOU so much for the inspiration!
My first stop…the paint shop to get that color for the brick. I can’t wait to get started (and will be sure and give you an update!)
Thank you again!!
You’ve just inspired me to update my existing ceiling fan with a coat of paint. Thanks for the inspiration.
I love the presto-change segments…I always get inspirations from your ideas. My porch is just begging for a makeover 🙂
Omg! I wanted a fan from minka aire for close to $500.00 for my family room..Can’t bring myself to spend that kind of money so I’m glad I see you posted a better price modal for the same look I wanted for my space. You rock Layla!