I’ve learned a few things this week:
1. There are about three photos of corner fireplaces on Google:
(Photo: Thrifty Decor Chick)
2. You don’t have to have a real fireplace if you want to decorate a mantel…
3. Our readers rock, and their mantels do too!
Check out what Stephenie at Decorating Addict sent us:
Stephenie’s email read:
“They are real tulips that I bought at Home Depot for $5.49. I separated them out into individual pots and my husband, Jason, put chalkboard paint on the tin pots so we could write “SPRING”.
The picture above our mantel is one of my mother-in-law’s paintings. She paints for fun, but doesn’t think she’s good enough to sell her work! We display it with pride.
The rest of the stuff I found at flea markets. The pitchers (I must confess, one was from Target for $20), and the other was $6, I think. I didn’t spend more than $40 on the whole display.”
It looks great Stephenie- Spring has definitely sprung on your mantel!
Michele sent us this photo from the Lisa Russ Photography blog…
Talk about a well-dressed mantel! Wow! I love this look.
Bonnie sent us this photo of her mantel…
Everything looks fantastic- including the stone and painted paneling. Hubba hubba!
Stacey from My Messy Life sent us this email…
“I recently acquired a FREE fireplace mantel from Pottery Barn! I had been looking for one to put behind our dining room table as an architectural element for the past 2 months, but I hadn’t been able to find one with either the right price tag, or the right look.
Then, about a month ago, I saw one in the display window at Pottery Barn. I inquired within about what would happen to it once the display switched over. I was told that an employee wanted it, and given the names of a few other places to look for one.
Three days ago our little fam went back to Pottery Barn and I noticed the display window had been changed over. On a whim, I asked about the mantel and, again, was told that one of the employees was going to keep it. Then a few minutes later the girl came back up to me and said she wasn’t sure if the employee was going to take it after all. She asked if she could have my number so she could call me the next day with an answer.
The next day, an employee called to tell me it was mine! I still can’t believe it, and the best part is- I didn’t even need to paint it because the color worked perfectly with our decor! I guess it always pays to ask!”
(Stacey’s free mantel)
I have two words for you Stacey- Lucky. Duck!
Jessica from My Quarter Life Crisis sent us photos of her mantel before and after…
I love the props and the pup!
And finally, Kelly from Spice It Up sent me this pretty picture of her mantel…
It’s so fresh and crisp looking. Great job Kelly!
I know I said I was going to post ideas for those who have niches above their fireplaces, but would you believe I was unable to find one photo of a beautifully decorated niche? If you have one, please email it to me and I’ll post it!
In the meantime, here are some informative mantel decorating videos I found while searching for inspiration online…
In this first one, Julie Chen and Susanna Salk met up at Pottery Barn in New York to discuss mantel decorating. Click on the photo below to see the piece:
In the next video, floral designer Nico De Swert uses Pottery Barn decor to create two different looks. Click HERE to watch the video.
The next video features Tracy Porter’s ecletic mantel decor…
And, last but not least, this isn’t really about decorating your mantel- but it does show a very pretty fireplace that I think you will love!
Thanks for joining me for “Mantel Mania”! I hope you’re inspired to create a fresh and fabulous display on your mantel this weekend!
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