Tomorrow’s the big day, y’all.
My 40th birthday…aaaaahhhhh! 😀
I’ll be robbing the cradle for a minute until Kevin turns 40 on June 28th. 😉
I was telling him last night, I don’t think I’ve ever thought too much about what life might look like at 40.
But here I am…living in the South (my favorite region), with my sweet & musical man (my favorite kind), working as a creative writer (my favorite subject), and in the process of adopting a little boy…just like my Inspiration did (in her late 30s, when she adopted my Dad) almost 60 years ago.
Feeling pretty grateful today. 🙂
And speaking of our sonny boy- I wanted to post this video created by the precious people who are taking care of him right now:
I can’t share which cutie pie is our boy until he is officially deemed a Palmer, but hopefully we’re getting close to meeting him very soon!
PS- Just in case anyone is curious, the camper hoop art is from ThreeRedApples, alphabet puzzle is Land Of Nod, and the Huckleberry Finn book is available at Parish. 🙂
Happy Birthday! I wish you a really, really nice day, eat some cake with someone or many and just enjoy it. That’s what birthdays looks like for me…;)
Hi Layla! This might seem a little off topic, but I’m always so impressed with the awesome pictures you take of Kit-Kat. Whenever I try to photograph my cat, she moves at the last minute, or sniffs at the lens, or does something else to mess up the picture…any tips on how you photograph her so beautifully?! Much appreciated! 🙂
Hey Layla!
Is there a way to share the three angels video from here on Facebook?
God bless!
I watched the video and when I saw the first little boy I said “Oh, I hope they get him!” but then I said the same thing to each and every little guy thereafter!!! I can’t wait until he is in his forever home and you are able to give him all your love and watch him bloom!
Thanks for sharing the experience with us! karen….
PS..Happy Birthday beautiful Layla!
Happy 40th birthday, Layla! I am closer to 50 than 40 and will agree with a previous commenter who says the 40s are really fantastic!
I hope your son can come home soon – kitty is going to think the room belongs to him!
Happy 40th! Sweet P is SO blessed to have found you and Kevin; the video is heart-warming. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing and educating us about three angels. What a heart you have.
Happy Birthday, Layla! I hope you have a wonderful day. Kevin shares a birthday with my Daddy! So we will be celebrating along with y’all…just a few hundred miles apart.
Thanks for putting the info about the Huckleberry Finn book, I was going to ask! Happy birthday 🙂
Happy 40th Layla ….the best is yet to come! I love your blog and I’m inspired by what you’ve done so far with this house as well as your last one. Keep the faith and keep up the good work!
The video was inspiring. I am so excited for your family. I know that God will provide this chid in his time. It’s hard to wait for ‘God’s time”, but we must. I am praying for your familiy. You have a friend in Nashville if you need me. Susan
I also have to post, that I am in love with your cat
Room looks awesome!
May your birthday wish come true SOON! 🙂
LOVE your kitty!! He looks so soft and delicious I just want to bury my head in his tummy! Looks like he is ready to welcome to the new addition.
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Layla! You’ll love the 40s, many great things ahead for you ~ Enjoy your day! 🙂
I love love love this ministry!! I had no idea there were so many different facets. How wonderful to know that this ministry that is serving your little boy is definitely blessed by God. Thank you for shining light into the blog world and exposing others to great opportunities to serve others.
There’s nothing that eases the thought of getting older then to realize this is exactly where you want to be at the age you are. Happy Birthday! And, that is a great room. It’s so fresh, clean and happy. I know it will put a smile on your new Palmer’s face when he sees it for the first time. 🙂
Happy Happy Birthday Layla! What an incredible year you’re about to have! Can’t wait for your sweet boy to come home. 🙂
Quick question….I love the alphabet puzzle board on your shelves. Where did you find it?
Hi Laura! There’s a link for it at the end of my post if you’d like to click over to the page it’s on at Land of Nod. 🙂
40 is the perfect time to be a mama. That’s when the patience God gave you actually kicks in. Lol Happy Birthday!
Happiest Birthday wishes! Thank you for the sources you provided, I could not locate the blinds on ideas site, but hope they are within the store. It all looks so sweet! Thank you for sharing!
Welcome to the 40’s Layla! What a wonderful way to start this season of your life. Happy, Happy Birthday to you!
love the room and I can sense the excitement….and Happy Birthday to you both. I’m the 29th….but a smidge older. :-/
Wow. I thought you guys were 25 this whole time!! Congrats on the birthday and love following your adoption journey.
Adorbs!!! Ahhhhh! 40 is the perfect year to become a Mama!
I am so behind on blog reading and I’m just catching up. This is a wonderful post. Ever since we last talked I refer to your little man as Sonny Palmer as I pray for him. Forty is going to be the best year for you and Kevin!!! Can’t wait to watch y’all’s story to continue to unfold according to the Lord’s perfect plan. Happy Belated Birthday! And girl, I’m a cradle robber too! 😉
The room is looking fabulous! I so enjoy whenever I see you have posted something new. It gets me all excited! One of my highlights during the day! Where did you find those blue drapes? I need to find them for a bedroom I am working on!! Hope to hear back, thank you!
I am inspired how you have made this space so loved. I’m completely in aw of the shutter/bookshelf area and how you came up with that. I do have a questions if I may plz… could you tell me the curtains and their source. The art to the left in the wood frame, what is that? It looks lovely. Finally, is it the way the picture is taken or is the bed angled? And were you lucky enough to have the shutters on hand? We just moved (military move) into a 1950’s home and I am trying decorate freshly our children’s rooms. Windows around old radiators. Thank you!
Gorgeous room Layla! I purchased and painted some wire baskets for my daughter’s room but am having a hard time figuring out how to hang them. Just wondering how you hung the one in your son’s room under the dog painting?