Happy How To’s Day!
Remember when we re-did Kev’s Mom and Dad’s back porch?
Well, we filled that little yellow vase on top of the chicken coop with old scrabble tiles (from etsy) for a reason.
…and we finally finished up that project yesterday!
The idea was to create a little game table for our niece and nephew (who spend a lot of time out in the porch), so they’d have something fun/educational to play with.
We started with this pretty metal tray table we picked up at a local flea market for $8…
We made a trip to our local True Value store to pick up some supplies. A sample of “Halycon Green” (by SW), and a “Spray Gun”…
Kev’s been wanting to try one out for a while now. Basically, it’s a little aerosol can that comes with a little glass jar.
You can fill the glass jar with whatever color paint you want, so you can create your own custom color spray paint.
We could hardly wait to try it out, and I think we shot more “We’re in the backyard, we’re hyper, and this is the coolest invention EVER” photos, than actual how-to photos for this post.
(Note: no latex paint was injested during the making of this post)
Unfortunately, we were so excited to get rollin’, we didn’t read the part about thinning your paint before we took turns spraying with it…
…so it didn’t come out very well, and ended up clogging completely after about 15 minutes. Boo. Back to the brush I went…
After I finished painting the legs, I sprayed the top of the table with a couple coats of spray primer, and a couple of coats of Heirloom White-colored spray paint.
Then we applied a “What’s the Word?” graphic from Leen the Graphics Queen…
(I spy someone trying to hide his dirty fingernails! Hee hee!)
And here’s what we ended up with after all that goofin’ around…
I think it’ll be fun for the kids to create words together out in the porch.
You know…in between their iPhone calls to each other.
Alright, now it’s your turn! Have you blogged about a tutorial, how-to, or step by step this month? If so, link it up, Buttercup!
If you already know the link party drill, feel free to scroll on down and link away!
If you’ve never linked up to a link party before, here’s how it works…
1. Scroll down this page until you see the “add your link” button. Click it, and create a super-descriptive name for your link. Something like, “How To Install A Ceiling Fan”, or “Subway Art How To”. That’ll make it easier for folks to browse through all the links.
2. Make sure you link directly to the How-To post you’d like to share– not to the main page of your blog.
3. Last but not least, we’d sure appreciate it if you’d add our How To’s Day button at the end of your how-to post on your blog. Just copy and paste the code in the box below into the html part of your post, and voila!
<div align="center"><a href="https://theletteredcottage.net/how-to-paint-a-table-sort-of" title="The Lettered Cottage"><img src="http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj29/LaylaPalmer/How%20To/How_To_Linky_Button.jpg" alt="The Lettered Cottage" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Thanks for partyin’ with us this month!
This project was brought to you by…
Note: We were selected by True Value to work on the DIY Blog Squad and have been compensated for our time commitment to True Value-related blog posts. We have also been compensated for the materials needed for our True Value-related DIY projects, however, our opinions are entirely our own and we have not been paid to publish positive reviews. Boom.
I’d be happy to have a game tray myself, and this one is fabulous. LOVE the scrabble words.
Shucks that the aerosol spray didn’t work out!! But why not a paint sprayer? Is the aerosol spray cheaper? I have gotta keep an eye out for that the next time I’m in a home improvement store!
Yeah, those little spray cans are under ten bucks, but we used our True Value gift card to get ours, so it was free. Too bad we didn’t read the part about how to use it correctly! Live and learn! LOL! 😀
Too bad you couldn’t have been at our rummage sale this summer. I had a set of 4 of these TV trays for sale. They didn’t sell so I donated them to our church rummage sale that’s going to be held in a couple weeks. Now that I’ve seen your cute tutorial, I might have to get them back 🙂 Very cute project here! And I’ve just gotta get one of those spray guns!
Love the little paint sprayer! Sorry it didn’t work out as planned. 🙁
Thanks for hosting…hope you’re having a great week! 🙂
Thanks for visiting! Hope you’re having a great week too, Erin! 😀
I love those little tables. They are so versatile – mix, match, move them anywhere. Love the purple Chucks – so cute.
My best- Diane
I agree! I wish they made them in “big kid” sizes! 😀
I love that! So cute! Might try my own version for my little guy’s room! You two are a hoot! 🙂
Hey Diana! Can’t wait to see what you create for your little one!
Great project Layla, Thanks for hosting.
Thanks, Karen! Thanks for stopping by today! 😀
Cute cute table!! And I still love that porch redo – I so need one of those carts! Thanks so much for hosting:)
Thank you Sharyl! 😀 That porch redo was one of my favorite makeovers too!
Wow, $8 bucks! can’t beat it! Your table looks great! Love the redo. Hope you have a great week.
THanks Brandi! Hope you have a great week too! 🙂
Such a cute idea!
I tried that paint sprayer and I did thin down my paint and it still
didn’t work. Love the concept though.
Oh really!? Thanks for the heads up! 🙂
Love this idea. You are soooo creative.
And so cute.
Such a cute project! Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! You have some very crafty followers, I’m loving this round up of ideas
I know, we love looking through all the links! Thanks for stopping by today! 🙂
Thanks for hosting and showing us your cute tray. My bedroom has been Halcyon Green for 6 years and I still love it!
These are some great links this week!!
Thank you for hosting! Too bad about the new spray thingy—-but I agree—reading directions is way overrated. What a great bunch of links today!
Have a good one!
That spray can looked like fun. Imagine having any color you want as a spray paint. Oh well…. live and learn. I bet you read the instructions next time.
Definitely! 🙂
Thank you for hosting. Love your blog.
x Marnie
Thank you Marnie! 🙂
Fun! I’m drawn to any project that uses Scrabble tiles. Lots of luck with your next DIY undertaking.
Ahh… I grew up with those same TV trays. They look awesome in ‘today colors ‘ I might add. 🙂
Thanks for hosting… linked up how I built a pallet sofa at #196!
feeling the pallet love!
All of these awesome projects could keep me hoppin’ until 2021!
But first, I linked up my final lemonade stand of the summer!
Thank you for hosting!
Kerry at housetalkn.blogspot.com
Just want to say thanks for holding these link parties…they help me find so much, often just what I have been looking for!
Hi Kevin & Layla! I just love love love the porch makeover you guys did! I really enjoyed reading about it from start to finish! You guys are so talented! I love your blog! Thanks for hosting this great party!
Okay, Layla! I have been meaning to link up with you since I started blogging (a whopping 2 1/2 months ago : )), but somehow I’ve always managed to lose track of the last Tuesday of the month. So, this month, I finally linked up…and how! I kind of went a bit overboard, I’m afraid. #’s 206-213…yeah, those are mine. (I’ve been saving up! : )) Hope I didn’t overwhelm you with my tutorial zeal!
Thanks for hosting!
Aw, that’s so cute! The hubs and I love to play Scrabble– this would be a perfect project for us. Maybe we could even use our nerdy engineer skillz (yes, skillz) and recreate a game board on the tray!
I’m going to have to give that sprayer a try! What did they recommend you thin the paint with?
While living on the central coast of California, I used a paint sprayer with a compressor {very “LOUD”} but got r don! It was convenient cause I painted a lot with a creamy white. Was a pain to clean. Now I paint with many colors and thought about trying one of those aerosol cans. Will try to remember to water down the paint first.
Adorable accent table! You two are so cute! Love it!
Thanks! We had fun with it….after we ditched the spray gun! LOL! 😀
Thanks so much for hosting this guys! I normally dont link up, this was my first time, but I was so excited about my pillow I had to share 🙂
Hope ya all have a great weekend!
Yay! Thanks for linking up Alyssa! 🙂