Sometime last month, I came across this lamp base at my local flea.
It’s tag read, “Fishing Basket Lamp- $10”.
Of course it instantly appealled to my love of all things sea-inspired, so I bought it. Now I just need to find the perfect spot for it, and the perfect shade for it, of course.
Upon my initial glance at it, I was reminded of this $79 base that Pottery Barn is selling:
…and this one they’re selling for $159…
The $10 price tag on mine made me giddy with excitement! 🙂
That same day, I also came home with this wooden, architectural element that cost just $7.50:
I’m not sure if I’ll hang it with this side facing the room…
…or this side:
I’m not sure where I’ll use it yet. It works in so many different places. It does just happen to fit perfectly over the door that leads to our Master Bedroom, so it may end up there.
Obviously, it needs a paint job…which from the looks of the all the little spindles, is not going to be an easy task. 🙂
As soon as it stops raining today, Kevin is going to start on the “Beer Garden Bench” project. I keep looking out the window of my home office, praying for the clouds to part. He gets a kick out of my impatience. 🙂 I’ll “tweet” on Twitter the second he starts!