I also picked up the old, black, full-size headboard pictured in photo, for $20! I’ve been looking for one for the Guest Room bed, and because of my infatuation with caning, this one is just perfect! Not sure what color it will end up, or if it will stay black, but whatever the case, I just love it.
The room we’re working on is inside a tiny cinderblock cottage. The cottage itself is made up of only three rooms total- the main room (which is only big enough for a bed and a couple of other pieces of furniture), a small kitchen, and an itty-bitty bath.
My client decided we should tackle the bedroom portion of the cottage first. She wanted me to help work in more storage space and make the closet more functional. There was also no specific style in the room, and she longed for a fresh, updated, cottage vibe. We settled on a palette of navy, chocolate brown, khaki and white. Here’s a hint at the decor, we bought four of these baskets from TJ Maxx:
Today is the fun part- moving in all the flea market/salvation army finds, accessorizing, organizing, etc. I’ve been shooting video and taking pictures, so I’ll share the results of the re-do here on my blog very soon!
Oh, and the best part….everything will be done on a budget of $300!
PS…I added some info towards the bottom of the “Ford Re-Design” post that Mrs. Ford shared with me yesterday, for all of those who had questions about certain elements of the design. 🙂