I published this post 4 years ago, this week. (My how time flies!) Thought it would be fun to flash back to it today. 🙂
1. I know you’re more worried about what’s going on at school right now than spending time with your family, but one day, you’ll enjoy being with your Mom so much you’ll take road trips to some really pretty places together.
(1a. Pay more attention to the things she writes to you in those cards she leaves on your bed.)
2. When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Take half the clothes and twice the money. (Heller)
3. Start each day by looking up. It’ll widen your horizon.
4. The human spirit needs places where nature hasn’t been rearranged by the hand of man. Take more walks in the woods!
5. You know all that weird “old stuff” your Mom thinks is so cool? (screen doors, stone chimneys, old windows) You’ll be crazy about all of it one day, too.
(5a. In fact, you’ll enjoy that kind of stuff so much you’ll even start a blog about it.) (PS- I know you don’t know what a blog is right now, but trust me, you’ll be crazy about those one day, too.)
6. Those architectural drawings your Mom works on in her office may not intrigue you now, but one day, you’ll also be passionate about drawing rooms to scale for people. Ask her questions about what she’s working on and take notes!
7. This may be hard to believe, but weeding the garden is not going to kill you.
(7a. one day, you’ll wish you had enough time, talent and space to grow all the amazing things your Mom does!)
8. Life is like riding a bicycle – in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. (Einstein) Follow your heart and fight for your dreams!
9. Riding bike might not seem like a very “cool” thing to do right now, but one day you’ll see a grass green Schwinn cruiser that’ll take your breath away.
10. Buy a bike now and ride it whenever you can! There are awesome bike trails all over the place…just ask your Mom.
(PS- I know you get cold easily and worry about your bullet-proof bangs getting messed up, but most of the trails in your area are sheltered by woods. 😉 )
11. In late September, spend less time looking at Tiger Beat, and more time looking at the trees explode with color.
(PS- You aren’t going to meet and marry Jon Knight from NKOTB. Don’t worry- there’s another music man out there whose heart has your name written all over it. ? )
12. Pay more attention in photography class. There’s a road from the eye to the heart that doesn’t go through the intellect (Chesterton), and one day you’ll slam on the brakes to take pictures of things you don’t even notice right now.
13. Ask your Mom to teach you how to cook. If you don’t take the time to learn how to do it now, you’ll be eating cereal, sandwiches and Stouffer’s when you’re 37. (I’m not kidding.?)
14. Cherish the sky-blue painted wood floor in your bedroom. One day, you’ll want to paint the wood floors in your own home, but you’ll be too scared to do it!
15. Do not, I repeat, do not try to use a fire escape ladder to sneak out of your second floor bedroom window. (You will regret it.? )
16. Being grounded isn’t the worst thing in the world. When you get older, you’ll actually enjoy sitting still.
(16a. especially with your MOM!)
17. I hate to break it to you, but you will always be afraid of the dark. Invest in a good nightlight and take it with you wherever you go!
18. The 3’s of life are choices, chances, and changes. You’ve gotta make a choice to take a chance in order to change. (Unknown)
(18a. The 4th C is Chex mix. Not only will you carry a bag of it wherever you go when you’re 37 years old, but you’ll also use it to king your checkers on one of the road trips you take with your Mom that year.)
19. Your Mom is totally right about that whole water thing. Sweat, tears, and the sea can cure anything.
20. At different points throughout your adult life, your inner fire will go out. Don’t worry. Spend time with people who can rekindle your inner spirit and don’t ever forget to tell them how much they mean to you.
21. When it comes to solving problems, dig at the roots. Don’t just hack at the leaves. (D’Angelo)
22. Sometimes, the most important thing in a whole day is the rest you take between two deep breaths. (Hillesum)
23. You might not ever figure out exactly what you want to be when you grow up, but that’s okay. Your parents are totally cool with your artsy-fartsyness, and life is more about the journey than the destination.
24. Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. (D’Angelo)
25. Be like the color yellow as often as possible. Optimistic and cheerful!
26. Read more books…someday you’ll want to write one.
27. Blog about your road trips with your Mom and include lots of pictures so you can relive the memories you shared with her for years to come.
Some of them will instantly transport you back to the day Mother Nature celebrated her presence by showering her with crunchy “leaf confetti” every time the wind blew extra hard. (Remember how she had to guard her coffee from the celebration!)
Some of them will bring back memories of exploring interesting places, sipping wine out of tiny juice glasses, and making up your own rules because neither of you knew how to really play…
And fortunately, some of them will be there for you to witness over and over again…
I just sent this post to my 14-year-old daughter! I LOVE your message. So very sweet and so very true! XOXO – Susan
Layla, that was so beautiful…made me cry…and here in Vermont, the scenery is similar. I just love your blog.
My favorite post thus far. 🙂
That was so-o-o-o fun! Thanks for a wonderful start to FRIDAY!!!! Love ya’!
Let’s pull another “Thelma and Louise” soon, Mom! XO
I echo the sentiments….I LOVED this post!! Will you adopt me too? I know I’m old but I’m almost depends free! Almost. 🙂
Oh Layla, how I wish I could keep you in my pocket (not in a creepy way I promise ;). Your posts ALWAYS make me BREATH, SMILE, SIGH, and STRIVE to mimic your GRACE! You are a BLESSING. Thank you!!!
This is the best post ever! <3
This is the story that hooked me 4 years ago! I’ve more then enjoyed your blog ever since! Loved it 4 years ago still love it today!
So sweet, my heart is swelling! I am off to call my mom now. ? Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful post! As a Mom with a 14 year old daughter it gave me the opportunity to look at things from her eyes.
Sweet post that made me tear up. I lost my mom two years ago and treasure all my memories of her. I wish we were able to travel to a cabin in the woods to drink coffee and wine. I WILL make it happen with my kids.
Love your post today – Have a great day.
I loved this post the first time I read it and love it even more now. Hopefully my daughter and I can take a great trip like this together soon. Thanks for the inspiration! You have a great mom and great memories.
Love & joy! Just loved reading this post.
Perfect post, Layla! Thanks for sharing.
Awesome…simply awesome!!! Layla you truly make my day (more then you know)
Lisa w.
so sweet.
thanks for hitting me in the feels. i miss my momma so much. love knowing that you have this time with yours. and i adore how much you appreciate her.
happy day. thank you for sharing.
Beautiful words and memories and stunning photos! Love this!!
You are the one person on the internet I consistently wish I could meet in real life. Love everything about this post.
What a wonderful love letter to your mom. My daughter is 19 and we are just taking the first few steps on our journey and mom and ADULT daughter. I sure hope that one day 20 years from now she will feel this way about me. I can only imagine that your mom must cherish your time together as much as she treasures this post.
Lovely post! Your mom is beautiful (and you take after her in so many ways)!
Love this, and love your blog! Just beautiful!
This one struck a nerve… “At different points throughout your adult life, your inner fire will go out. Don’t worry. Spend time with people who can rekindle your inner spirit and don’t ever forget to tell them how much they mean to you.”
I have felt that fire be extinguished. Mom died May 2, 2014. It still stings to this day. I don’t have any children, but I am trying to spend time with the nieces and nephews in our lives an let them know just how much they each mean to me. Some I grew up with and some came a long later.
Brothers – I have three of them, they are much older. WE GET A LONG! Growing up, I joke about having four dads! SO THANKFUL FOR THEM.
Love your heart Layla! I have prayed for you and your husband in your adoption process. When it happens Layla, you can bet I will be celebrating here for you, just like I will be celebrating for Tracy over @ Beathmyheart! She’s a jewel too!!!
Thanks so much for your spirit and sharing your life.
Marilyn C.
What a great post, something I think we all wish we could do! What great experiences that you got to share with your loved ones & mom 🙂
Lauren Baxter | Lovely Decor