Our rendezvous really made me feel ALIVE. (Thank you so much Rhoda and Cathy!)
So…you’re wondering what I took home with me, aren’t you? 🙂
I spotted this old barnwood trough on the floor in one of the booths, and it was love at first sight…
Images of what I could use it for started to dance in my head. My adrenline started to rush, and I knew I must have this rustic beauty!
Right now, I’ve got some magazines & coffee table books inside of it. (I got the Pottery Barn “Bathrooms” book for $4.99 on their website, by the way) But while I was at Eastbrook, I envisioned it filled with green apples, sitting on top of a gigantic creamy-white Dining Table.
I could also see it holding terrariums and chunky candles, of various heights. Speaking of terrariums, I love these glass cloches and their mossy terracotta bases, by Park Hill…
(And look at the little letters on the front side of the table they’re on!!!)
I also picked up two vintage log scale sticks, and a ruler that reads, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”…
I love that the log scale sticks have writing on all four sides.
I found the perfect place to use these in my Kitchen, so after I clean them up and have them installed…I’ll post photos of them.
Thank you to everyone who has sent me email messages and left comments here on my blog.
I truly appreciate each and every one. I am perpetually inspired by your positivity and virtual friendship.