Remember that wooden orchard ladder we had propped against the wall in the reading room in our old house?
And remember that black wire basket we used in my Mom’s guest bedroom makeover a while back?
Well, my Mom gave me the basket at one point or another (we’re both chronic switcher-uppers, ha!), and there’s this little chunk of wall behind the half bathroom door here in our new house, so I thought I’d pair the two of them up to create some kind of cottage-style, DIY magazine/towel holder.
I grabbed some Catalina Mist-colored spray paint and some jute-looking trim (Jo-Ann’s Fabrics) from the closet behind my desk…
…and pulled everything out onto the front porch to see if I could make something out of stuff I already had on hand.
The metal basket was actually coated in some kind of rubber-y substance, so it took about four coats of Catalina Mist to completely cover it, but once it was totally dry, I just threaded the trim through the slots on the back side of the basket, and then hammered a couple of upholstery tacks through it (on the back side of the ladder rung) to hold it in place.
I used some Tacky Glue (that dries clear) on the end of each piece of trim to keep it from unraveling.
We’re going to secure the ladder to the wall this weekend, and then we’re looking forward to shooting and blogging about the whole finished room as soon as we’ve got the mirror and accessories in place. We’ve really enjoyed dreaming up ideas for this itty-bitty space, and I look forward to sharing the end results with you very soon!
For pics between posts, join us over on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram!
Cute idea! I’ve been meaning to get or make a magazine holder for next to our toilet. I would really love to get a house tour of the new house. I know you bought it as a foreclosure and it’s probably not ‘blog worthy’ yet but I’m just curious to see what your working with! As an owner of a rehabbed foreclosure and Interior Architect (graduating with my Masters in May…it’s so uplifting to say that!) It’s amazing what a little work and love can do to a house to make it a home.
Thanks, Kristi! And to take the tour, just click on the OUR HOUSE tab at the top of our blog. We blogged about the whole shebang shortly after we moved in. 🙂 Congrats on your upcoming graduation- that is so awesome!!
Cute!! I have that same ladder and attached a vintage bike basket on it! It makes for wonderful storage!
I did the same thing in my bathroom, but used a wicker bicycle basket on an old apple orchard ladder.. 🙂
Very cute idea although I question wanting to encourage magazine reading in the guest bath! heee heee hee:)
Haha, Kristin! It’s actually the only bathroom on the first floor of our home, so it’s the one that gets “visited” the most from day to day! 😀
LOVE it! Your bathroom is inspiring me to make some changes in ours–hope the Hubby agrees! 🙂
I’ve been wondering if you were ever gonna do this! You just had 2 brief posts on it I believe, and I was curious to see the finished results 🙂
Very clever Ms. Layla!
This is such a creative idea! Loving the little basket attachment. Thanks for sharing!
OH. MY. GOODNESS!! That is super cute and I’m in love with the color!
Catalina Mist is my favorite go to color. I have sprayed lids of jars I use for storing laundry detergent and oxyclean that sit atop my dryer, and other misc items around my cottage. I had not thought to spray some wire baskets I have on hand though, great idea. Mine are coated with something too, glad to know it will stick anyways.
How do you dream this stuff up? You’ve got such vision, Layla!
I just love a project that involves shopping your own house! Looks fabulous … and looking forward to the full reveal!
🙂 Linda
I love the affect created by the ladder leading the sky where the birds are… especially since the ladder is narrower at the top. So cute!
Gosh that is so cute. I love that Catalina mist! Gotta go get some now!
LOVE it. I just scored a vintage ladder and I can’t wait to get it in my house, too. Love this idea.
FOUR COATS??!! I would have given up! But it’s sooo cute! Perseverance paid off! Can’t wait to see the end results!
I’m still blown away every time by how high your ceiling is! The ladder really elongates the wall and is going to look beautiful once it’s all dressed up.
Dear Layla
Yet again, you turn already stunning into even more stunning. I absolutely love what you’ve done with the basket and ladder. It’s given me some ideas for my own basket/ladder combinations, so thank you. I love reading all your lovely posts. Thanks for being such an inspiration.
Sharon@The Restful Nest. xx
Wow! I love it. Can hardly wait to see it.
Darling! I love that color too. Sounds like we have some exciting posts coming up – can’t wait to see them all!
Love it! Always looking forward to what you crazy kids come up with next!
Cannot wait to see this room. I know it is going to be just precious. It’s your very tiny hints that I love best! I now walk thru my house and know nothing is sacred. I get so excited to “paint it and change it up”.
I am a wild woman at the Goodwill. If it has good strong lines, it is changeable!
Literally, with one minute of seeing this post, I had my coat and garden boots on and I was out the door to retrieve a metal basket that I was keeping kindling in. That puppy will hang from the ladder towel rack in my bathroom before the day is done! I just need the web strapping (or maybe some S hooks) and I will call it good! Thanks, Layla!
I smiled all the way through your comment, Jan! 😀 Thank YOU!
I just LOVE this idea ! I don’t have place in my home for this, but this is great !
Love it! Really likin’ that ladder…
Need to find one!
The bead board is such a great look. I love all your ideas!
my mom and i swap decor all the time. she also loves to buy me knik knaks at yard sales which i spray paint becuz i love to spray paint anything and everything
We are working on this project now ;)) how did you secure the ladder to the wall? Probably a good ides with two kiddos in the house.