We spent yesterday shooting “pick ups” (little bits and pieces of footage and audio that didn’t get recorded the first time around) for our pilot episode for HGTV. And even though it was significantly chillier here at our house yesterday than it was when we shot the initial footage in Suwanee in September, we managed to git r’ dun without getting frostbite. (ha ha)
That’s me and one of our producers, Stacey, sitting on the loveseat (a.k.a “Cecil”) in the photo above.
If HGTV decides to pick our show up, there’s a good chance Cecil will be a part of every episode, too. We took him around with us to several different locations (both yesterday and in Suwanee) and we thoroughly enjoyed collapsing on him every once in a while so we could talk to the camera about blogging and design stuff!
(Side note: doesn’t Stacey totally have a Reese Witherspoon-esque smile?)
Here’s a shot of Kev and Stacey discussing what he needs to say before they started shooting that scene in our driveway.
It was quite challenging shooting on our street during leaf blowing season, and we never realized how many planes flew overhead, dogs barked, birds squawked, or how many loud vehicles drove in front of our house til yesterday either! We spent many a minute waiting for things to simmadownnow– so we could get a usable take- LOL!
After we finished shooting outside, we did all of our interior shots. Max insisted on being involved in most of those (yay!), and Kit-Cat had fun stalking the camera man’s cords most of the afternoon…
Here’s another shot of me and my fur-ocious co-star, watching the camera man (Tom) shoot some footage of our (still stove-less!) kitchen…
I’m sure there will be some creative editing going on if that footage makes it into the final edit!
And speaking of getting creative, we don’t have anything but a plain white desk and a few empty, plain white bookshelves in our home office right now, but the production company wanted to get some footage of us blogging at a desk- so we had fun temporarily turning our dining room into an office so that they could get the (close up) shots they wanted…
That camera slider thingy was so cool and I kinda want one for Christmas.
After the sun went all the way down (ya know, at like 4:30pm) Kev sat down at the desk and surfed the web for sales on new stoves while they filmed him using the computer, too…
I watched what they were shooting on a little monitor off to the side, and I think it’ll really look neat if they decide to edit it in there!
(PS- the overhead light wasn’t in any of the shots)
And speaking of things acting as different things– the armchair in our living room became an audio booth that night, too.
Who knew facing a couple of pillows, propped up in a chair, would help create such an echo-free recording?
The production company plans to deliver our finished episode to HGTV by Christmas, and hopefully we’ll hear something back from them in January or February. Either way, it was a whole lotta fun shooting the pilot for them- and we’re so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with so many fun/talented blog friends, and re-do Alex and Emily’s living room in the process, too!
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Layla – How exciting for you both! HGTV would be nuts to not pick you and Kev up for a show. I’m crossing my fingers and sending all good thoughts your way! It’s nice to see pics of your living room especially since your beautiful pillow to the right of you as you are sitting on your sofa caught my eye. Love the pattern and colors! I would love one and am curious as to where you found yours?
Best of luck to you both!
Its all coming together 2012 here we come I hear you cry :)))
Will tell my friend who lives in Denver to look out for you guys I’m in OZ so will not be able to see 🙁 wishing you great things for the new year 🙂 x
Fun, fun, fun! They would be crazy not to go with the show!! So excited for you!!
Wishing you all the best of luck with your pilot! HGTV definitely needs some new programming and you guys would be perfect. I would be watching!! Lots of love and Happy Holidays!
I love you and Kevin, and I am sure HGTV will love you and Kevin, too! Can’t wait to see your new show!
I soooo hope HGTV picks up your show! I LOVE your style and would DVR every episode! Good luck! Gwyn
Hi Layla, I enjoy your website and wish u much luck with your show. I have been looking for the picture in your dining room shot with the dog that has sayings listed on the blue and green background. Do you know where I could buy one?
I love the way you’re taking us along on your journey, El. And have I ever told you how pretty you are?? True story.
I hope HGTV picks up your show. I want more shows like you would do. I am so tired of House Hunters and International House Hunters. Good luck.
How exciting! Good luck with the Pilot. (I love the photos of your pets getting in on the action, too.)
Not only should they pick up your show, but they should also turn you guys into a series. I can’t miss a morning without checking in with you guys. How cool to see you all having success on TV! It’s a no brainer! Enjoy your Christmas =)
I do hope your show airs in Brazil!
Thanks for the behind the scenes look! I love stuff like that.
Gotta love that the furry nugget is keeping it real on the sunny spot of the couch!
WOW…just getting to my emails:) BUT this is SO so so so so exciting. I LOVE H&G I so can feel it…they need some new stuff. Here’s to you kid!!! I think its awesome ALL the stuff you do…all working with your hubby…thats amazing in itself too!!!
Best of luck! I am excited for you guys, and I really hope they like the show. I know I would watch! 🙂
really enjoying the behind the scenes. way cool!
Hi! I’m excited for you two. Hopefully HGTV will pick up your show! I have to ask…where did you find the dog picture (on the wall of pictures) to Kevin’s right in the photo with the desk? It’s great! Thanks.
Good luck with the pilot. You two deserve it.
Layla – if HGTV picks up your show I will forgive them for a) not choosing you a few years ago for Design Star, and b) putting me through to 3 call backs and not calling me in for the 4th. haha You have SO got this! You and Kev are exactly the new breath of fresh design air that HGTV needs. I am very anxious to hear your news, and you have some extremely wishful fans out here cheering for you. My best!
I am soooo hoping that HGTV picks up your show. They would be crazy not to! I love your sense of style and how sweet and funny your both are. You are the cutest couple ever! Fingers crossed!!!!!
So excited for you- I know HGTV will pick you up and I can’t wait to watch you guys on tv! Also- love your bamboo blinds in the living room. It’s the perfect solution for my house where I have a window that’s too large for 1 set of bamboo blinds and I kept worrying about having to invest in some custom treatment…never thought of doing 2 sets of bamboo blinds side by side! Do you know where you got them? Any tips for doing multiple blinds side by side (ie how much clearance do you give between? do your windows have to be a certain configuration to do it?)? This could save me a boatload if it works! THANKS!
Wow, I really hope you guys get the show! I will actually watch HGTV again!!
Just curious where you got Cecil? I need his brother from my new home!!
Best of luck, you guys totally deserve it!!
Cannot wait to see you on HGTV, they are crazy if they do not pick you guys up.
Thanks, Kim! We’ll see what happens! 😀
Love your blog! What a thrilling ride to have an HGTV show! I hope it all works out for you two!
Amanda/Bullfrogs and Bulldogs
I will be faithfully watching HGTV when your show goes on. That is a show I would regularly watch! Best of luck! You really deserve it! Kristie
Do you know if or when your show will air on HGTV? I am so excited to see it! I think you are so talented, (both of you) and think your friendly personalities online would be great for tv, too! Plus I love love love your casual and approachable design sense and the way you make everything look doable.
Well thank you, Dana! We’re hoping to hear back from them in February on whether or not the pilot episode will air! 🙂